Tom Hall - Liz Lorrimar

Created by Philip 4 years ago
Tom Hall was one of the kindest, most generous people I have ever been lucky enough to know.

We first met in the hunting field a great many years ago.   Although his equestrian style was frequently more John Wayne than John Francome, he always arrived at meets raring to go and with something delicious in his hunting flask!   During his years in the Mastership, he welcomed and befriended everyone in the field.   He made his home, Low Hall,  available for all manner of fundraisers for the hunt, from a Summer Hunt Ball, to a permanent hunter trial course, to endless events for the Hunt Supporters Club and even a Clay Pigeon Shoot.
Following afternoon Autumn hunting,an excellent supper usually appeared and inevitably, rather confused horses returned home rather later than expected!

Tom hosted our last legal day's hunting in 2004.   It was a bittersweet occasion but made much easier by Tom's copious hospitality and humour.  He staged a great party back at the Hall that evening - all at his own expense - complete with a hog roast.   The next day was marked by both sore hearts and sore heads!

Tom loved Yorkshire, he loved his shooting, he loved his life the country.   He was enormously proud of his daughters and their families over in Australia and New Zealand and was devastated when ill health made him curtail his visits over there.   You could see his pride in the girls whenever he spoke of them and my heart goes out to them for their loss.

Tom's life was punctuated by tragedy and disappointment, but all who knew him were delighted to see how content and happy he was sharing his last years with Anne.   Old friends from early youth, it was such a blessing that they met again and were able to enjoy their time together.  I have never seen Tom happier.   My thanks and condolences to Anne in equal measure.   

Always cheerful, helpful and caring and more than anything, always up for a party, it was a real privilege to be able to call Tom a friend.

Tom - I shall miss you so much.

Liz Lorrimar